bakugan brawlers

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bakugan page 2


Experience is the best teacher...

On this page I'll include some of my tips and tricks I've learned while doing my hobby. Where appropriate, I'll include steps or pictures to help clarify my explanations.

Please feel free to contribute your own tips - I'll post the best ones so everyone can see them.

Here's are some tips about bakugan.

Tip 1: how to get your bakugan on 50% of the time.

first make sure your bakugan is faced metal side downthen roll straight with not a lot of power but a little.
              tip two:
first aim at the bakugan that you want to knock off's body with your heviest bakugan and roll with FULL power and you should knock it off.
TIP 3:If you dealing with a long bakugan like the scorpion looking one don't aim for the tail aim for the body that way you have a better chance of bralling it off
tip 4 If you have a long bakugan like the scorpion looking one roll it on tail pointing at a bakugan that is almost off it should , if it's powerful enough knock the other one off.

List of Tips

In this area I may include a list of all the tips on this page, to make the page easier to scan. For example:

Tip 1:how to get your bakugan on 50% of the time.
Tip 2 how to knock off opponets bakugan