bakugan brawlers

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Instructions Page

On this page, I'll include one or more sets of instructions that may help others get involved in or become more proficient at my hobby.

I'll try to make my instructions easy to scan, but also as specific as possible. Here's a giude on how to play bakugan.

How to play bakugan.

2 player game: we each put down our gateway(feild) card down, width side facing you, such as this, in a 1st person view
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and then another card touching its width.
is what it should look like, except with 2 cards not 6
next, choose a bakugan. measure with your 2 other cards(forgot to mention, you get 1 special ability card, 1 gateway card, and one ability card, and 3 bakugan per match)(or more, but you each have to have the same amount)
anyways, measure with your 2 other cards how far you should be away, keep your hand there, and throw your bakugan onto one of the 2 gateway cards. it it gets onto the card, it should stand. wait for your opponent to throw his. if they land on the same card, they fight.
flip over the gateway card. lets say my pyro bakugan has 300g, and your light bakugan has 350g. on the gateway card, it should say in some bubbles -100, or 50, etc.
lets say this card had 100g in the pyro bubbles, and -50 in the llight buble. my pyro( 300g) + gateway effect(+100)= 400g
your light( 350) + gateway effect(-50) = 300g
i would win, buts lets say you activate an ability card. it gives light mosnters 100g, so add that to your monster, and you get 400g. a tie.
we would then go to a throwdown. i forget what that means.
anyways, if you win(tie or no tie), you get the card that you were on. if it is a special ability or ability card, you can use it (i think) it should have an HSP value.
keep going until all bakugan are defeated or all cards are owned. count up the hsp values of the cards, and add 100 for every bakugan you own (forgot to say, when you kill a bakugan, you own it) if your is higher, you win. you can also knock an opponents bakugan off the gateway card with your bakugan, if that happens, you win the card







you need at least 3 bakugan and cards.